The slate needs painting, which provides its reliable protection against pollution, water, ultraviolet and frost. Schifer painting takes place in several stages. First you need to properly prepare the surface. The slate is reliable from existing pollution using a very hard brush or a special scraper. Next, apply an antiseptic and rinse the slate with a strong stream of water.
At the next stage, priming is performed, which is mandatory. Acrylic primer is usually used, which is applied in 1 or 2 layers, depending on the service life of the slate. Do not forget to visit the site /Kyznechnoe-Delo /255-1 and order a new shop there for your site in the country. For the best staining effect, it is recommended to purchase a primer and paint of one manufacturer. Before buying a particular type of primer, you should make sure that its composition contains special substances that prevent the appearance of moss, mold and algae. The last stage is the direct painting of the slate. Paint should be applied to a very clean and low -fat surface. It is necessary to apply two layers with a roller or a small brush. The gap between the layers depends on the properties of paint and weather. The best conditions for painting slate are humidity of 60% and temperature +20 degrees.