Foundation and its types.
The foundation is the basis of the building, without it the construction of not a single object cannot begin. Like any part of the building, it carries certain functions and must have the necessary qualities for building. The foundation should be strong enough to withstand the load of the house itself, as well as groundwater, be stable and durable, and also (importantly) quite economical. There are several types of foundations: continuous, ribbon, pile and columnar. In addition, there are also differences in the technology of building foundations, they can be distinguished by monolithic (boot, bottle -concrete, reinforced concrete) and block. The advantage of the latter over the first is that when installing a block foundation, lifting devices are used, which facilitates installation and reduces physical costs. When choosing the foundation, they are mainly focused on the type of house, its weight, the number of floors, take into account the type of soil, groundwater level, and, of course, the financial side. What, for example, is to lay a continuous foundation or strip array if the house is planned to build frame, and even without a basement. Moreover, it is not profitable economically. The tape massive foundation is used mainly for those houses in which there is a basement, several floors or concrete walls. When laying such a foundation made of button, the minimum wall thickness is 35 cm, and when using a bottle concrete – 50 cm. The columnar foundation is usually used for light buildings (frame and wooden houses). Pillars are erected from Buta, brick, button at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other, while additional reinforcement is required with a grid or wire every 30 cm in height. The size of the brick pillars is 50×50 cm, from button – 60x60cm.