Foam is foamed polymers of plastics. It has a density smaller than that of the source material, due to the fact that its main volume is occupied by gas. This structure explains the ability of polystyrene to heat and sound insulation. This property is easily used in construction and decoration. The main condition for use is not to increase the temperature of operation to the destruction temperature! Foams are perfect for the installation of temporary structures or decor, since they are light, simply fix them and lay them down. But here their significant drawback lies: products are not stable with strong gusts of wind and physical exertion. During the finish, foam may need liquid nails. You can read about the correct use of liquid nails here.
Foams do not create a favorable environment for microorganisms, which is very important for internal finishing work. The contact of children with such products will not have a negative effect on health and well -being, since this is non -toxic material. Foam contact is allowed with food products (remember many store packages from these substances). Foam is easily cut with hot wire, and therefore they can be given any shape. Thanks to this property, they are often used as decorative elements.