The bedroom repair, as well as all other rooms, begin with the removal of wallpaper, dismantling the old flooring and windows. After these work, you can start installing a window, which can be performed both with the help of specialists and on your own. The main thing must be remembered that high -quality installation of this element will have to perfectly provide thermal insulation and sound insulation in your bedroom, which will be very important for this type of room.
Often, in the houses of the old construction, the electrical wiring is aluminum. In such cases, it is necessary to change it to copper wiring, and at the same time install all the necessary sockets and switches. It is advisable to install the interior door before the wall decoration, since during this installation gaps form in the walls, which will need to be covered with isohypsum.
Then proceed to the next stage, namely the wall decoration. Depending on your wishes, you can either paint them or glue them with wallpaper, all this will depend on the early project you have invented. The wall will need to be prepared for painting. First you should tighten the wall with a layer of isohypsum and two or three layers of Satengips.
This procedure is necessary in order to align all irregularities in the walls. During the wallpaper of the walls, you will have enough of one layer of isohypsum and sataengips with a wallpaper. The ceiling in the sleeping room can be very diverse, it is usually painted white, glued with wallpaper, or made by tension, all this will depend on your wishes. The last element of the room in need of decoration will be gender. Its equalization is carried out using self -leveling mixtures, after which they use your favorite flooring.
When your children do not just ask, but require cartoons, and there is not one on TV as luck would have it, you almost crying behind your head and cannot figure out how to distract the children. We suggest you watch cartoons online, because their number is shocked, and they are also available at any necessary moment.