Insulation of a wooden log house is a very important component of its construction. Moreover, the insulation, which is called the hemp, is also carried out after the building of the house, or rather after its complete shrinkage, which should happen in a year or two. It is important to remember that after you have pricked a certain area, at home it is necessary to check if the amount of insulation is sufficient in the groove between the logs. To do this, the blade of the kitchen knife should be placed in the groove, if it enters 15 mm or less, the hemp was successfully completed. If the knife goes further further, then the material will need to be added.
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If during the operation of the house the space between the logs of its walls turned out to be too large, when warming, the hemp “into the set” should be used. To do this, from such insulation as jute should be sustained long strands, rolling them into a ball. After from the ball, it is necessary to start typing loops that should be placed in the space of the walls of the wall, it is necessary to continue until the grooves are completely filled. After all insulation work is completed, the house can be operated for a whole year. And the winter period will need to check whether the cracks have formed between the logs. This can be understood by the emerging hoar. If such foci are found, then they should be marked in order to further eliminate the cause of the heat of warm air from the internal space of the house.