Today, almost all built buildings need to paint the facade. This technology is not only the face of the building, but also the protection from different natural and human conditions. This species is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to betray a beautiful look to the house, but at the same time one of the most popular and reliable. The very first step, there should be a selection of paint. Since it should give grace and protection, it is best to use waterproof acrylic paints, well -known manufacturers. Of course, the market is rich in building materials today, but we must follow certain rules.
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Acrylic paint has three significant advantages, such as: environmental friendliness, practicality and easy to apply. As for ecology, this paint is absolutely clear. It does not pass moisture into the walls, and at the same time gives them to breathe. Practicality – walls with acrylic paint can easily be washed and cleaned. And her service life is more than 15 years. And under certain conditions, more than 30. For example, all other types of paint, no more than 5 years of service life. Simplicity in application – this paint is applied with an ordinary brush or roller, while only 30 – 40 minutes dries. This type of paint, as you can see, has only pluses, but the final choice, of course, is yours.