A fairly old and reliable technology for building buildings, which was born in Germany in the fourteenth century, has acquired the status of a symbol of German and Polish householder to date. It is the supporting structures, which are carried on the outer part of the building, most often consisting of inclined, vertical and horizontal beams of pine beams. The space between them can be filled with clay, brick or wood. Currently, many exotic style lovers fill the walls with concrete or reinforced concrete mixture, leaving supporting beams for a decorative effect. The reliability of this design is confirmed by time, in Germany you can meet the eater houses that have been worth more than five hundred years and are still suitable for housing. By the way, now many use forged gate to decorate their home.
There are several areas of style. Hallenhaus is a rustic type of communal houses, the main difference is the presence of a large gentle roof, most often made of hay or tile, as well as the absence of a chimney. Gothichaus – is distinguished by a sharp high roof, often a large number of floors, many windows and chimneys. Burggerhouse is a large city house, most often have at least four floors. Carved facades and decorated balconies are often found. In general, there are several dozens of different directions, but we identified the main three, for the reason that everyone else is not much different.