The well is a source of water consumed and therefore you need to constantly monitor its purity. Inspection of the well should be carried out several times a month. Such an inspection is done using an electric lamp, with a long cord, also for this you can use the old method called the “sun bunny”. This method consists in the use of sunlight during the low sun, the rays of the luminaries are directed to the bottom of the well, using large glass or mirror.
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Having discovered, when examined, an extraneous item must be removed immediately, using a long pole or a rope with a hook at the end. If a dead animal enters the well, it is advisable to immediately drain it and remove the silt and sand from it for one. Having cleaned the well from visible pollution, it must be disinfected. Before disinfection, the volume of water in the well should accurately determine.
Then wipe the walls of an empty well with a solution of chlorine lime. For the manufacture of a disinfectant solution, cold water is needed in which chlorine lime is poured, and then mixed and tightly closed, the give. After filling the well with water, a chlorine-containing drug is introduced there at 1 cubic meter of water 100-150 g of chlorine. Then the water in the well is mixed with a pole or water discharge from a height.