In this guide, we will not touch upon the topic of choosing a region, city, district for living in Italy (we will write a separate article about this later), but at least we will give some advice on what you need to consider before making a final decision to look for housing in a particular city.
The main recommendation: this cannot be done remotely. And we are not only talking about buying an apartment, but also about choosing a location. You cannot choose based on photos, reviews of other people, impressions from short-term trips. We believe that you can be ready to buy housing in Italy only after living in a specific city for at least a few months.
Additionally, for analysis, you can use the annual city rating, which includes 107 cities. It is important to look not at the summary abstract indicators, but to note those parameters that are important to you.
For example, the security rating has a parameter “money laundering” and Milan is in 37th place, but in terms of the number of robberies on the street, it is in last place, 107 (i.e. the lowest level of security).
Therefore, we recommend looking not at the overall rating or even at the category rating, but at the specific indicator you are interested in. But then – still, first live for some time in a rental property in this place.