Ondulin (he is also called Euro -Shifer) – the material in the markets of the post -Soviet space is quite young, appeared less than 20 years ago. In the technology of manufacturing ondulin, the fiber of processed cellulose or fiberglass, as well as minerals and special resins are pressed and impregnated with a purified composition at high temperatures and pressure. This allows you to get light, durable, reliable roofing material of the widest spectrum of colors and textures. It will not be superfluous to learn more about the construction of monolithic foundations.
Low weight (standard sheet of 0.95 x 2 m weighs no more than 5.5 kg) allows you to use ondulin even on the old roof or not to change the crate, provided that it meets the technological requirements: when the roof is tilted to 10 degrees, the frame should be continuous, at 10-15 degrees-a step of axes up to 45 cm, at 15 degrees-not more than 61 cm. The crate can be either wooden and metal (in this case, self -tapping screws are used for installation). To consolidate one sheet, you will need 20 nails or screws.
The overlap also depends on the angle of the bead, with which the slabs should be laid on each other (up to 10 groats-overlap up to 30 cm, 10-15 groats-overlap in one wave (up to 20 cm), 15 degrees and more overlap up to 17 cm. Cut the sheets of ondulin should be with a hacksaw or a saber electric saw. Saw or hacksaw canvas must first be lubricated with oil. The laying of the sheets is carried out from the bottom up, they need to be attached to the ends in each wave, along the edges of the end and side overlap. For greater accuracy of fasteners, a special cable is pulled along the axis of the crate bars.
Endovs are decorated with special skating elements, they need to start them from the leeward side. Endovs are mounted with nails or screws, which are driven into every wave. Ribs of the roof (pinch or skating elements) should be arranged. If ondulin is used to finish smoke or ventilation pipes, the joints should be treated with sealant. If there are superstructures on the roof, additional waterproofing is achieved using a special self -adhesive tape. An important point: it is possible to mount ondulin only at a plus temperature, during the operation of the stove you can not stretch, you can not step on a hollow of a wave.