For about half a century, Buran snowmobiles have been leaders in their field. They are chosen, despite the fact that the cost of many models is higher than the newer and in somewhat more technological snowmobiles. Buran spare parts are sold everywhere on the snowmobile. So what is the secret of such popularity?
To date, Buran is the most purchased snowmobile, which is used by both polar explorers and hunters. This vehicle became a brand in the distant Soviet era. Then this name became without exaggeration as a household. For example, residents of many northern regions of Russia to this day call “drill” any snowmobiles, no matter what brand they are.
However, this fact amazes a little different. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many foreign products began to be supplied to the domestic market. Many domestic manufacturers (not only vehicles) suffered a real collapse, not being able to withstand competition. But “Buran” survived, and with ease. Northerners, even having money for expensive products of European production, still chose this proven version for years. This can be called a real phenomenon.
The reason for him lies not in love for domestic products. The design of the Buran snowmobile in the sixties was copied from the Canadian production model. However, in her homeland she did not find success. But the inhabitants of the USSR, and then Russia fell in love with these snowmobiles for their utilitarianism.
For residents of the northern regions of the United States and Canada, the comfort of such a vehicle is very important. It is used for entertainment trips. In Russia, hunters and fishermen, power engineers, checking power lines and even rescuers use snowmobiles in Russia. They need not convenient and beautiful, but powerful and unbearable transport. This is how Buran became.
He has a unique chassis. The margin is just huge. He can work on the low quality fuel. What else is needed in the Far North, if the transport is needed not fun for the sake?