Very often, during the repair, unforeseen situations arise, which the majority does not know how to fight, and even if this comes out, then in the future they repeat mistakes again and again. So that this is not, you must clearly know about what the embarrassment occurred and what should be done so that this does not happen again. Very often problems arise with plaster. There are several of the most common problems that you should be able to cope with:
The attic stairs are designed to reach the attic. The peculiarity of these stairs is that they easily develop and in this form are a convenient and compact design. Here, in online stores, there is a large selection for every taste of these wooden and metal stairs.
Stucco stratification. If a stratification occurred, it means you have put a plaster on a too dry surface. There is another option – you mixed two solutions of different strength, which led to the stratification. In both cases, you need to remove the spoiled layer and apply it again, moistening the surface as it should
Vimitation of plaster. There is only one option here – you applied plaster on a too moist surface. This defect is eliminated similarly to stratification, t. e. dismantling the damaged part and imposing a new layer
Cracks. If you have cracks, then the whole point is that you used a solution of plaster either with a too large concentration of binder, or it was poorly mixed. So that this does not happen again, be sure to ensure that the plaster is kept in the right consistency by constant stirring