First of all, it should be noted the level at which the ceiling will be fixed. Usually, the distance from the ceiling to the hinged structure is 5-12 cm. This directly depends on the wishes and communications that can take place on the ceiling. The level can be determined by the water level, and the line is beaten off with a painting cord. The profile is attached using dowels. Dowel must be scored at a distance of 55-60 cm. At the inner corners, the wall profile is attached to the same, and on the external it you need to cut at an angle of 45º.
By making the roof on your own, you can save a significant amount of money, which can be purchased, for example, a heating cable for drains or any other materials for repair.
The next step is the marking and fixing the supporting tires. With the help of roulette, it is necessary to measure and mark the marks where the tires will be attached. The mark for the first tire is placed at a 30-40 centimeter distance from the wall. All subsequent – after 1 meter. Tires can be cut with scissors for metal. Having attached the tire to the ceiling, it should be marked with tags for fastening from the beginning and end of the wall of 30 cm. All this is done for other tires. After that, in the intended places you need to drill holes under the dowel.
The supporting tire can be fixed with self -tapping screws on the main ceiling. Suspensions that are attached with dowels to the ceiling have special brackets for fastening tires.
So, the very last stage remains: mounting panels. To do this, you need to measure the required length and cut the panels. The length of the panel should be less than half a centimeter of the distance between the opposite walls. Each panel is applied at an angle to the profile, straightened and closed with a fixer of the supporting tire.