The bathhouse on wood has a positive effect on the human body: he hardens the spirit, makes a person more hardy and strong. For heating such a bathhouse, firewood that is placed in a fireplace stove, using an open focus.
This bathhouse has a cleansing effect, that is, it favorably affects all the organs and systems of a person, namely, the cardiovascular system, nervous, respiratory, and also accelerates the metabolism in the body. Due to temperature changes in the bath, the vessels get rid of harmful substances that are on the walls of the vessels. In addition, the Russian furnace for the bath helps to restore capillaries, improve the work of the heart, strengthen the heart muscles and fill the vessels with blood.
While in the steam room, a person loses a huge amount of moisture and sweat is actively released through open pores. Together with then, toxins, toxins, radionuclides and other substances that adversely affect the human body are removed from the body. Recovery is also influenced by substances that are distinguished by firewood during combustion. For example, substances secreted from pine firewood heal the throat and soothe the mucous membrane.
It is very useful to visit a bathhouse on firewood for people with excess weight, as the guy burns excess fat.
Veniki used in the park also matters. They can be collected from various plants. Birch broom helps with breakdown in muscles and joints, cleanses the skin.
A fire on firewood helps very well with colds, bronchitis, rhinitis, polyarthritis, neurasthenia, radiculitis and many other diseases.
However, this bath should not visit people with suffering asthma, epilepsy, serious diseases of the liver and heart, and with high pressure.