The offseason is not rarely caught by many by surprise: the central heating either is no longer, or not yet, and in the apartments the temperature is not the most comfortable. The best way out of this situation is the purchase of the Volcano VR2 heat talentor.
By what principle this equipment works? The heating venture has a heating element, a fan, blowing through it air and a thermostat, helping to set the level of heating. Warm air is repelled from a hot heater and dissipated throughout the room.
It should be borne in mind that the heat -cognrator is designed for episodic air heating in small rooms, the equipment heats the air as soon as possible, but it is not intended for long -term use.
It is very important to follow the safety rules when using the heat talent. The equipment cannot be left unattended, as it can roll over. Then the air intake holes will close, in this situation a fire may occur. Therefore, choosing this technique, it is better to give preference to those models that automatically stop working when they overturning them.
The heat cognizant can operate not only as a heating device, but also as a fan, so this equipment is relevant not only in winter, but also in summer.
The heat core is very mobile for weight, it is installed quickly and easily, and also does not require special maintenance.
As for the shortcomings, the main thing should be noted here – thermal tents work very noisily. In addition, they burn oxygen. And if dust gets into the heat cognrator, an unpleasant smell may appear. Although this does not apply to models with a ceramic heater, since in them the spiral is not so buried, and does not burn dust and other hard particles.
And in conclusion, it is worth noting that in order to choose the right volcano VR1 heat core, you need to know the size of the room, which is planned to be heated, since the necessary power is calculated based on these data.