Laminate is a panel received from the stove, which basically has an HDF or chipboard, as well as layers of paper, which are saturated with melamine resin and compressed with a stove under high pressure and temperature. The wear resistance of the floor and the area of its use are determined by the technical characteristics, such as the thickness of the upper layer, the amount of melamine, etc. D. This coating is suitable when laying floors with water heating.
In its design, the laminate board consists of four layers:
– stabilizing lower;
– carrying layer (base of the laminate board);
– decorative layer (this is the layer of paper due to which a drawing of stone, wood, etc. is created.);
– top layer (special for protection against erasure and other damage).
Whatever the fire resistant material laminate, each house should have carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. The main advantage of such fire extinguishers is the complete absence of traces of extinguishing. This is due to the fact that carbon dioxide in the course of use does not leave traces and mud spots.
The advantage of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is the absence of traces of extinguishing t. To. carbon dioxide after use does not leave traces and dirt.
Taking into account the current standards, the laminate should be suitable for styling, and its surface must meet the technical requirements. In preparation for laying the laminate, special attention should be paid to parameters such as dryness, flatness (deviations on one meter can be maximum 3 mm!), cleanliness of the surface for styling, strength and bearing capacity.
You can not lay laminate on the floor with electric heating. And various flooring textile coatings before laying laminated parquet must be removed.