There are many people who sell housing with turnkey repair and do a good business on this. Becoming such a person is relatively simple, even if you do not have initial capital. It is enough to get a loan on the security of the apartment, purchase residential real estate, make repairs in it, sell and help out this profit from this.
About everything in order
Today, many begin their entrepreneurial activity precisely with the fact that they take a loan secured by apartments for business formation. You just have to think through the plan of its development and be sure of the success of the matter.
Having received money, find an inexpensive apartment with a convenient layout. Its decoration can be in the most deplorable state – nothing to worry about. A major overhaul is still ahead. It’s even good if the housing is in the “killed” form – so you have a chance to get a discount.
Having bought an apartment, create its design project and make an estimate of the work. This will require investments, so calculate the budget in advance.
Hire workers and carefully control the entire repair process.
When the object is ready for delivery, start looking for a buyer. You can do this yourself, but it will be much more effective to contact the real estate agency. Of course, there they will take a certain amount for their services – it needs to be stipulated in advance and add to the cost of the apartment sold.
Having implemented real estate, you will make a profit. But do not rush to give at once the entire loan, which was taken at the beginning. Sell 2-3 apartments, and when you have free money, pay the debt. Calculate so that the amounts left in hand are enough to further develop the business.