A very important question is faced with any novice company sooner or later: how to arrange the interior design of the office so that it is comfortable to work for employees in it and it is pleasant to be visitors? There is nothing complicated in this, you can plan the interior without the help of specialists, especially if the office territory is not so great.
First of all, it is necessary to clearly divide the office space into zones, determining where the boss will be located, where there are small groups of employees distributed in positions or occupation, and where you will receive customers.
Recently, the design of the office interior in the so -called corporate identity, using the organization’s logo, a branded combination of colors and other stylistic features, has become fashionable. On the one hand, this will help your company declare itself and create your own unique style, on the other hand, the abundance of branded logos can annoy some employees. For this reason, moderation in compliance with the corporate identity is recommended. Also know that logos and other proprietary symbols are recommended to be used more when designing a client zone, and where employees are located, it is better to create a more calm and working environment.
The color in the interior of the office can be used the most different. If your company is engaged in creative, creative activities, and you need to impress customers who come to you, then you can arrange the interior of the office in bright, juicy, contrasting colors. But do not overdo it, otherwise such a variegated will be shot down from the working Lada of employees! If your company is engaged in more conservative activities, it makes sense to design the interior in more calm, classic, aged colors.
Recently, it is believed that the interior of the modern office must be decorated with indoor plants. Undoubtedly, they will make the situation in the office more comfortable, but remember that you cannot surround them with the same amount of care as indoor plants at home. Therefore, for the office they usually try to choose rather unpretentious plants: ficuses, dracaena, zamiulcas, spathiphyllums.
As for the furniture that you will furnish your office, there are two basic rules regarding it regarding it. The first – all office furniture in your office should be designed in a single style, an exception can be made only in relation to the office cabinets. The second – the balance between comfort and the working atmosphere should be observed, because the desire to work will not arise both with too hard and uncomfortable furniture, and with too comfortable, sitting on which you really want to relax and take a nap for a short time.