Before starting the repair of walls with your own hands, it is necessary to clearly determine how the surface should be. For example, in the kitchen it is necessary to betray the walls with an additional level of moisture resistance, as well as temperature differences and exposure to chemicals. It will be enough to decorate the walls in the bathroom so that they withstand a high humidity level. After choosing the material, you can start direct repair of walls with your own hands.
First you need to remove the old coating from the surface, for example, tiles, wallpaper, paint or whitewashing, as well as a thorough cleaning. After the completion of the cleaning, a lot of dust can often form, which must be removed, after which the primer is primed. If you gently insulate the wall, then this can be done in two ways: from the inside or outside. But if there is an opportunity, it is recommended to do insulation from the outside.
Removing wallpaper is not a very simple process, but this must be done.
For these purposes, a special tool has been created, which makes it possible to remove old wallpapers as quickly as possible and without special costs. This tool must be diluted in accordance with the instructions, spray into wallpaper and removed with an ordinary spatula.
The whitewashing washing is carried out in a wet or dry way. The first of them requires the use of a wet rag to which the whitewash is wetted, after which it is scraped out with a spatula.
To remove tiles, as a rule, a chisel and a hammer are used, and sometimes used by a perforator. Using such a technique, you can speed up the process.
A special plaster can be used to align the walls if the wall deviation is more than half a centimeter. If this indicator is smaller, then you can only make a putty. Walls in the bathroom and in the kitchen can be aligned with facing tiles.
The primer of the wall surface is carried out exclusively on the clean surface. In order to remove dust, you can use a wet rag or special products. A primer is needed when tiles, putty, paint, wallpaper, as well as plaster are used. Wall repair will allow them to bring them to proper form and extend their life.