Choose and grow seedlings
Experienced and avid summer residents know that there is nothing more pleasant than enjoy the tasty and juicy cherry grown independently. But there is one nuance: seedlings of this tree are quite expensive and few of the gardeners will want to buy them annually again and again. It is much more rational to buy them once, to plant correctly and rejoice on the regular result. Is there a method that will help plant cherry seedlings so that they fruit every season?
Of course, there is such a method and if you follow all the instructions and do everything right, then in almost any garden a cherry can bloom, which will easily surpass the Japanese sakura – both in terms of the beauty of flowering, and in taste. Despite the apparent elementary of the planting of cherries, the phased of the process is very important. That is, the success of planting this tree depends on how and at what time it will be completed.
What is needed for the correct planting of cherries:
a healthy seedling, which has a root system formed;
Cherry variety that meets the climatic conditions of the area where landing is planned;
a place for planting a seedling with appropriate soil, groundwater, light and winds;
The season for planting is spring or autumn.
The choice of the future tree
Everyone knows the situation when a neighbor in the country allows his fairy tale crops of Cherry and when it comes to the point that from despair you have to ask him for the root shoot, it turns out that the result does not justify the expectation. Good cherry, resistant to frost and climatic surprises – this is not a wild shoot, and since the vaccinated cherry tree gives just such a shoot, there is no need to hope for the result. It can also be attributed to the root cherry, of course, it will be fruitful, but not as beautiful as its parent.
If there really is a desire to eat delicious cherry jam in winter, then it makes no sense to plant a cherry bone in the ground – the tree may grow, but the way it will be, no psychic can guess. The best way out is to purchase seedlings in a specialized agricultural market.
Autumn is the time of a wide choice for seedlings that need to be planted in the spring. The optimal length of the seedling is 1 m, of course, that it should not have any fungi nor diseases. The most successful option is a seedling with several twigs and, in addition, it is very important to choose the desired variety of the future cherry – tree -like or bushy. Experts do not advise saving on high -quality seedlings, since the yield of the tree in the next 20 years depends on this.
The right time and the right place
It is believed that cherry loves to grow near the fence or on calm hills, this is partly explained by the “seclusion” of such places. For example, in the winter season, it is under the fence that the most snow, which reliably protects the root system.
The soil, in the place where the planting of the cherries is supposed, is not a watery, with a neutral reaction, light soil.
All cherry planting work should be completed until the moment when the first kidneys appear on the tree, that is, in the spring. You can, of course, do this in the fall, but in this case, there should be at least a month before frost. Another nuance of autumn landing: the tree must be “hidden” under a layer of earth (30-35 cm).
Detailed instructions for landing cherries
So, all preparations are over: seedlings are bought; the place is selected; And the weather contributes to. And most importantly, not to spoil everything with illiterate actions and give your garden a new fruitful tree – juicy cherry. The correctness and coherence of work is half the success of the gardener.
How to plant cherries correctly?
It is necessary to dig a 50-cellular pit with a diameter of 40 cm, while the earth from the upper and lower layers should be laid out in different heaps;
The soil from the top layer must be mixed with fertilizers and poured around a special planting peel;
Then, on top you need to pour at least 10 cm of fertile soil;
After that, the seedling is placed in the ground, but so that the root neck is on the same level with the ground;
After the manipulations done, you need to carefully straighten the root system and fill the seedling with the ground of the lower soil;
Be sure to warm it, making a hole around the ground;
At the end, it is necessary to pour several buckets of water into the hole and tie the seedling to the landing peel.
To increase the likelihood that the seedling will take root, its roots should be dipped in a mixture of manure and clay before planting. It is not difficult to plant a seedling of cherry on your own, especially since the video guide will always come to the rescue.
All of the above tips relate to the common cherry, but if you need, for example, to plant a felt cherry, then you need to look for in an appropriate article.