To get the walls qualitatively glued with wallpaper, you need to select the best materials. This applies to both the cloths themselves for finishing and glue, which will be used to fix them. The latter should be moisture resistant, not leaving spots, capable of resisting the appearance of the fungus. Before gluing the wall, it is necessary to gnaw. To attach the first canvas, a vertical line is drawn using a plumb line. Then it will be possible to guarantee that all subsequent panels will also be pasted absolutely vertically.
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Each canvas of wallpaper cut off for pasting should have a small allowance. Five or six centimeters will be enough. If the wallpaper has a pattern requiring a combustion, then when cutting them should also take into account the allowance. Glue is applied to the inside of the panels. After that, they turn in half for 3-5 minutes so that the glue is well soaked in the material. Glue wallpaper begins from the upper edge of the panels. At the same time, they should go a little to the ceiling. If bubbles appear, then they are smoothed with a roller, brush or clean rag. The glue protruding from joints is also neatly removed using a rag. Excess wallpaper on both sides are cut off with a knife on a metal ruler.