How to arrange a plot around the house correctly? What is landscaping? Why aesthetics is sometimes more important than practical expediency?
Probably, almost each of us had to pass by a private house with a plot on which nothing grows! Except weeds, of course. Well, at least once in a life? Probably had to. And as an impression? Most of mentally normal people will answer unequivocally – “dreary”. And they will be right.
Because we are accustomed to the fact that if there is a piece of land, then it should not be naked, like a desert or salt marsh, it should have some kind of vegetation. Let it be small, but should.
Of course, vegetation is a distress, you can plant a plot with onions, and proudly assume that there are no problems, the earth is not empty, covered with vegetation. However, this is unlikely to add joy to passers -by, since everyone understands that this vegetation has practical use, only the “onions can be purchased here” is not enough! No, since 1985, our people have had nothing against private entrepreneurship in general and against the production of the same onion in particular, only this has nothing to do with the aesthetics of the site!
The question is, then what then will have a positive impact, both on the mood of random passers -by, and on the mood of the owners of the house themselves? There is no single rule, but most likely it is an even herbal cover and flowers. There can be a lot of options, everyone can choose the ratios of these elements in any ratios, but practice shows that it is they who positively affect the mood of people. Then, after the first samples, you can make certain changes. And if the mood remains good, then you will not have to do any changes!