In order to increase the total area, designers propose to remove all kinds of walls and expand the premises, creating the effect of smooth flow from one zone to another. How designers advise separating the kitchen from the hallway and bedrooms, and with the help of which techniques you can allocate a children’s or office? To create individual zones, you can use such architectural elements as an arch or column. Do not forget about the catwalk – with it you can visually raise the dining area, and different flooring is also perfect for separating the kitchen area from the living room. You can also use different colors of walls and ceiling. It will not be superfluous to find out more at leisure about compensation for damage when the apartment is bay .
If you are lucky to have an invalid attic or an apartment without partitions, it is better to build arched partitions or pieces with niches, because they can both act as a separator and are a great place to store various trinkets. You can play with their texture, using when designing, both decorative glass and various frames.
Mobile partitions can easily change space, moving along special rails. The material for them can be both fabric screens stretched onto the frame, and huge glasses or chipboard plates painted in an unusual way. Such a solution will be indispensable when connecting in one room completely different in the functions of zones, because when you can easily hide the kitchen behind the screen or retire in the office, this is easy. With a similar device, the apartment should pay special attention to the quality of ventilation and various household appliances, because clean air is as important as an attractive look.