Parquet floor has always attracted special attention. After all, the parquet floor since ancient times is considered exquisite creativity. In ancient times, the parquet floor was mainly installed in the luxurious halls of the royal castles and houses of the rich. Today, the parquet is an affordable material for all developers without exception. There are several types of parquet material for the floor.
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One of the most expensive parquets is a shield art parquet. Shield parquet is a square or rectangular plates of high -quality plywood with an ornament or pattern applied on the front surface. The drawing on parquet plates is created by gluing under high pressure on the plywood sheet of veneered parquet plates from different varieties of wood, which create different ornament on parquet plates or drawing. The surface of each parquet sheet is treated with special synthetic resins, which give the surfaces of the plywood sheet brightness and shine in a certain color style. Laying a thyroid parquet does not differ from laying ordinary parquet. Each plate is attached to the base of the floor with nails or glued with special glue. The basis for the shield art parquet floor can be a cement screed, a wooden black floor or on wooden lags. As for the usual floor, the base under the shield parquet must have a reliable waterproofing protection, which uses polyvinyl chloride films and membranes.