Repair is a serious matter, requiring numerous costs, especially in terms of time. And if you take into account that you yourself will carry it out, then it is worth deciding in advance to the plan and the procedure for performing work, so that later you do not have to redo everything and bear more and more increasing costs.
What to do? Firstly, it is worth first to decide which repair you need: a capital or a regular cosmetic.
Overhaul is a global reconstruction of the premises, including the replacement of floors, wiring and much other., up to the reconstruction of the walls (if there are the necessary papers). Cosmetic – simpler, it includes the replacement of wallpaper and more “something on the little things”.
If you decide to still do overhaul, then consider the next plan:
1. First take care of the floors, in particular, screed. This is the main type of work, the most difficult, taking most of the time and dirty. Therefore, floors are made in the first place.
2. After that, take care of insulation, especially when it comes to the lower part of your apartment. Moreover, if you carry out pipes with hot water to warm the floors, then you just need to do it right away. Then you can, as needed, leve a screed.
3. The next step is to align all surfaces. At this step, it is worth considering what material your walls will be of, on which the amount of time will depend that the plaster is dried up.
4. Wiring is carried out before plastering walls.
5. Followed by the installation of doorways and window frames.
6. Then you should start finishing work, such as:
– putty of ceilings, walls, window slopes, arches, niches;
– painting, according to the same plan;
– Wallpaper gluing;
– Laying of the flooring
and t. D.
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